Work Experience
2004 - Present
Advantage Software Factory
Senior Java Developer, Team Leader, Project/Product Manager for NextReports
- research and development (create a fast development framework which is the base for all the company products, add Continuous Integration via Hudson/Jenkins, add Spring Framework, add Dependency Management via Apache Ivy/Maven, add Apache Wicket as component oriented web framework)
- Java recruiter (only for technical aspects)
- contribute actively as Java developer to projects like: Vodafone Retail System, Vodafone Debt Collector, Montero Warehouse Management System (I have dealt more with the horizontal services: Security, Printing, Persistence Layer, Service Layer, Reporting, Build&Deploy)
- J2EE, Spring Framework, SQL, Swing, HTML, CSS, XML, Jackrabbit (Java Content Repository), Apache Wicket (web framework), AJAX, JSON, JQUERY, Jersey (Web Services), Quartz (Scheduler Server), EHCACHE, Ant, Ivy, Maven, CVS, SVN, Git, Jetty, Tomcat, JBoss, Oracle 10gAS
- Certificate of Accomplishment (2005) – in recognition of professional achievement as the “Most Innovative Employee”
- Certificate of Accomplishment (2006) – for innovation in contributing to NextReports and Web Framework
- Most Innovative (2007) – in recognition of professional achievements, great contributions and hard work
In 2006 I created NextReports, a reporting tool in Java. Now, NextReports is a leading open source reporting suite used worldwide. The entire suite is available on GitHub.
2004 - Present
Fort Soft
Founder and CTO
- create a competitive and agile team
- create new business lines
- implement an agile software development methodology (Scrum and Extreme Programming - XP)
- promote open source solutions
This startup gave me the opportunity to understand some key aspects (sales, marketing, management)
related to an IT company and to practice approaches like Lean Startup, Minimum Viable Product, and much more.
I successfully completed several custom development projects and I created an e-commerce platform
(software as a service) for the local retailers. The service is not released yet.
1999 - 2003
Adcon Telemetry
Senior Java Developer
- design and implement various parts (Extension Mechanism, Transaction Service, Security Service, Naming and Directory Service) of the data acquisition and processing software - addVANTAGEPro.
- design and implement a monitoring suite for the application server (Log Monitor, User Monitor, Thread Monitor)
- design and implement the license kit (with features like: expiration date, automatic copy protection, host dependence, maximum number of users allowed, maximum number of devices allowed).
- supervisor of the project for Linux and Solaris platforms
- design and implement (only the servers part and the communication protocol – XML based) the NISCP (National Informatics System for Crop Protections) for which the beneficiary was the Ministry of Agriculture.
- RMI, SWING, Java 2D, Servlets, Java Mail, JDBC, JNDI, JSP, XML, UML, specific design patterns, transactions, CVS
The addVANTAGE products covering water management, agriculture, irrigation are sold all over
the world for big companies like Agrilink from Australia, Western Farm from USA.
The application server is a java RMI server that contains essential services like:
Naming and Directory, Persistence, Security, Database Connectivity, Logging, Extensions,
Activity Monitors.
1998 - 1999
Romanian National News Agency (AGERPRES)
Software Engineer, Java Developer
- design and implement a national system for real time news distribution through a heterogeneous environment. The system used Java as programming language.
- push technology, multicast transmission (LRMP, a reliable multicast protocol from Inria), distributed computing (RMI with custom sockets), Swing
The application reads news in real time from the receivers using the serial port, groups
these news on channels and pushes them to subscribers (TV stations, Radio stations, Newspapers).
The system was designed to do the same job as Castanet from Marimba and Startbust from
Startbust Communications but with lower costs.
1993 - 1998
Faculty of Electronic and Telecommunication, Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest
Diplomat Engineer in Computer Science (System Engineer)